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Teachers Profiles

Vicki Hease
Email: vickidesignster@googlemail.com
Postcode: IP14

Vicki is an Area demonstrator and speaker and teaches a monthly flower arranging class in Stowmarket and workshops to flower clubs and garden clubs. The teaching aspect of flower arranging is both traditional and contemporary and includes a variety of foam free designs using numerous mechanics. As a qualified florist, Vicki also teaches floristry techniques and designs.
Fiona Harrison
Demonstrator / Teacher
Email: fionamharrison@hotmail.com
Postcode: AL5
Fiona has achieved a Floral Art & Design level 3 certificate and completed a NAFAS Teacher Training course.
Her experience has included creative design and different styles of floral art using plant and a variety of materials.

Jackie West
Demonstrator / Tutor
Email: edengrantham@aol.com
Postcode: NG32

Jackie has achieved the NAFAS Diploma in Floral Art and Design level 1 - 3, City & Guilds in Contemporary Diploma in Floral Art and NAFAS OCN level 3 Advanced Teaching Certificate. Her experience includes owning a business and organising church flower festivals and zoom teaching during lockdown.
Jackie is an active member of NAFAS clubs, and now member of Stamford Flower Club.
Linda Knights
Demonstrator / Tutor
Email: lindaknightsflowers@aol.com
Postcode: NR7

Linda is a National Teacher and has been teaching certificated courses, classes and workshops for several years. City and Guilds qualifications in Flower Arranging Levels 1 to 4.
Website: https://floradesigns.wixsite.com/lindaknights